CALL US ON 07 3883 2400

Welcome to Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic where our patients are our top priority.
We strive to provide you with a high quality denture, individually crafted to your personal needs, at an affordable fee. All our work is constructed in our on-site Laboratory by our highly qualified dental technicians.
When making your choice in whom you trust to provide your denture services, it is important that you feel comfortable and confident with that person. At Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic your dedicated Denture Professional is James McNab, a qualified dental prosthetist (DP) and dental technician with many years experience at providing denture services to people of all ages.
We believe that our dentures not only improve smiles, but they improve lives. You will not only be more confident in your appearance, but you will eat better, feel better, benefiting your overall health!
Call us today to book a no obligation free consultation on (07) 3883 2400.
A complete denture replaces your teeth in the upper and/or lower arch when you are completely edentulous meaning no remaining natural teeth. For some patients it is very difficult to wear a complete denture, as there are no natural teeth to support the denture. At Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic we use high-strength acrylic teeth, bonded to a heat cured injection moulded acrylic base. We strive to provide you with a high quality denture, individually crafted to your personal needs.
We offer different types of Complete Dentures to suit everyones budget and what is best suited for your situation. Standard Economy Denture, Regular Personalised Denture, Premium Personalised Denture. Please discuss with Dental Prosthetist James McNab what type of denture is best suited and what your desirable outcome is; not only appearance wise but also functionality.

A partial denture, as the name suggests, is to replace some missing teeth weather it be in the upper or lower arch. Sometimes a partial denture is required simply for appearance. More often it is required to improve mastication ability, but if remaining teeth are left unsupported, they may also drift sideways or over erupt making future replacement considerable more difficult. At Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic we offer different types of partial dentures;
Standard Acrylic Partial Dentures are generally more bulkier/thicker with wire clasps which may be seen. This type of denture is the lowest cost of partials.
Chrome Cobalt Metal Partial dentures are generally thinner and smaller in the mouth than most other options and of course offer greater strength and stability as well as support for remaining teeth.
Flexible Partial Dentures are made out of a biocompatible, pure thermoplastic material that is non-toxic and contains no BPA or unsightly metal clasps. Using advanced technology the flexible base Flexible Partial Dentures are made out of a biocompatible, pure thermoplastic material that is non-toxic and contains no BPA or unsightly metal clasps. Using advanced technology the flexible base of the appliance adapts to the constant movement and flexibility in the mouth and are virtually unnoticeable!

Implant Retained Dentures are the most successful way to return to your ability to eat most foods and enjoy eating and living with a denture that remains in position as you eat and talk. The denture allows you to smile freely, while it still can be removed for cleaning. Implant Retained Dentures can restore your chewing ability up to a certain percentage that of natural teeth, whereas unrestrained dentures rely solely on suction or the action of your lips, cheeks and tongue to hold it in place whilst eating.
Suppose, for instance, that you have eight (8) remaining upper teeth. These teeth are, unfortunately, poor and cannot be utilized in any way to support a new denture. If you were to have a traditional or Post-Extraction Denture made, it would be necessary to have all of these teeth extracted first, the bone and gums would have to heal and then a denture could be constructed. This process could take several months, if not longer, and for that time period you would have to go around without any teeth. As an alternative to having you go around toothless while the bone and gums heal, we utilize an Immediate Denture technique. This involves taking impressions of your mouth while your teeth are still present, we then construct your denture and have it ready to be inserted by your dentist immediately after extractions. In this way, you never have to walk around without teeth.

We repair any type of denture. Whether it may be a partial or full denture, we can fix it.
Whether it has broken in half, cracked down the side or teeth have fallen out. We are able to mend it for you at a very affordable cost. We do our best to save you the embarrassment of going without your teeth any longer than you need, but we must follow the Infection Control guidelines for everyone's benefit.
As time goes by, the shape of your mouth and gums will change naturally. This can mean that over time, your dentures won't fit you the way they should. Denture relining is a procedure performed to fix this problem. Relining gives you a better fit, minimising your dentures movement or rubbing painfully against your gums. By adapting your dentures to fit with the unique and changing characteristics of your mouth, we will ensure that your dentures continue to offer you the best fit and feel.

At Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic, we provide you with the highest quality service possible. Whether you need a check up, an adjustment or just a chat, we are able to help you with any service you may need. We understand that everyone's different and so are their mouths.
A mouth guard is a thick, often spongy material that fits over your teeth. They are usually worn during sports and other activities that involve a high risk of impact to the face. An injury can result in a loss of one or more teeth, broken or chipped teeth, jaw fractures or injuries to the soft tissue of the mouth. The good news is that injuries can often be prevented by using a custom-fitted mouth guard.
Contact our clinic on (07) 3883 2400 to get your own custom fitted mouth guard.


James R McNab
Dental Prosthetist/Dental Technician
Adv.Dip.D.P (Syd); Dip.D.T (Syd)
James began his dental studies in 1968 where he attended TAFE, the Brisbane Dental Hospital
and the Children’s Dental Hospital before graduating in 1971. He then served in the Australian Defence Force for two years as an Army Dental Corp.
James served at various State Government Dental Health Clinics including Dalby, Mundubbera, Barcaldine, Roma, Chinchilla and Tara. He then moved to Brisbane to join a private Dental Laboratory as head of ‘Chrome Partial Department’.
For over 20 years James owned and operated Kelmac Dental Laboratories, employing 46 staff at one point. During this time James also served as the President of the Australian Dental Laboratories Association (ADLA) Queensland and as a selector for the TAFE Dental Technicians course.
James later served as the Government appointed Deputy Chairman of the Dental Technicians and Dental Prosthetist’s Board of Queensland and was announced as co-chairman of the joint Dental Council Queensland. He became a member of the Australian Dental Prosthetist Association Queensland (ADPAQ).
In 1990 James became a practicing Queensland Dental Prosthetist after he sat and passed all examinations at the University of Queensland Dental School.
For over 25 years James presented various dental lectures and demonstrations in not only Australia, but also China.
In 2002 he moved to China and established the first Western Standard Dental Clinic in Nanjing before moving back to Australia in 2007 to establish Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic.
He then went on to successfully achieve a Diploma of Dental Technology and an Advanced Diploma of Dental Prosthetics from the New South Wales Randwick College.
James served on the ADPA Queensland Executive Committee and became Vice-President for over 3 years.
At present he continues to own and operate Anzac Avenue Denture clinic alongside his wife Jessica, receptionist & assistant Amelia, and laboratory technicians Chris & Zhou Jia.
James continues to learn new skills by attending multiple seminars, conferences and lectures to provide the most advanced product possible for his patients.

Jessica McNab
Practice Manager/Accountant
Jessica is Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic's Practice Manager. She is a qualified accountant and has over 25 years experience in the industry.
Jess takes care of the business everyday; she understands how it operates and is able to answer any questions that you may have.
Jess has extensive knowledge of the denture needs of our patients.

Amelia (Millie)
Office Manager/Dental Assistant
Amelia is our friendly Receptionist and Dental Assistant, she is not only the first face to greet you as you walk through the door but will help you with your office and also your surgical needs.
Amelia is happy to assist you with any questions that you may have. She has extensive knowledge of the denture needs of our patients and always answers your calls and questions with a smile.

Chris & Zhou Jia
Dental Technicians
Chris and Zhou Jia are our dedicated qualified laboratory dental technicians. There attention to detail is immaculate, Chris and Zhou Jia work together every day to provide you with the highest quality personalised denture. We construct and process all our dentures in our onsite laboratory.
Our dental technicians are happy to go out of their way to fill in the space and keep the smile on your face!

"I was delighted with the service from James and his staff, My new dentures are fantastic and far exceeding my expectations."
"James is a friendly intuitive professional who gives excellent service and care to his patients."
"Would highly recommend Anzac Avenue Denture Clinic, not only great dentures but also very friendly and caring staff."